A Website That Provides Info On What’s Really In Packaged Foods (And How To Avoid The Worst Of It)

The folks at Netted recently began to wonder, “Curious about the fat, calorie and cholesterol count in all those packaged foods you ingested during the holiday weekend?”
Zeer.com provides nutritional information on over 110,000 products found in your grocery store aisles, including FDA labels, reviews from other members and definitions of certain “problem” ingredients. (Ever wondered what “maltodextrin” was? Now you can find out.)
You can search by product name, brand, product category or specific criteria (like “gluten-free”).
When you find products you like the site lets you save them so you can create an informed, healthy grocery list.
Zeer is especially useful for people with dietary restrictions since it flags ingredients based on certain food allergies and offers alternatives.
There’s also a community section where users can chat with others who have similar interests and needs.
Access the site via your mobile browser or their new iPhone app and have all of this contextual information where you need it most—when you’re at the market, trying to decide which breakfast cereal to buy.
Using Zeer can also be a great way to motivate yourself, analyzing some of your typical food purchasing habits by looking beyond the label. At Greens N Grains we’re ready to provide you with alternative choices, ones that lead you back towards a healthier and more nutritious diet. Our next film in the Thursday night series takes a closer look at the shocking reality of our industrialized food system.