Nicole Derse CNC, functional and nutritional medicine clinician and founder of the Center for Optimal Health in Sturgeon Bay will discuss Thyroid Dysfunction: Causes and Natural remedies on Thursday, June 20 at 1 pm at Greens N’ Grains in Egg Harbor.

Nicole Dersé says that many people suffer from vague symptoms that they think are normal parts of life, such as fatigue, feeling sluggish in the morning, having trouble with memory, concentration, or focus. You may have dry skin or fluid retention, unusual weight gain, lack of sex drive, have cold hands and feet, thinning hair, or high cholesterol.
“Most of these symptoms aren’t severe enough to send you to the emergency room,” Nicole explains. “But they do significantly affect your quality of life. And most of us accept them as a normal part of our lives without really questioning them. If you do go to see your doctor, he or she probably shrugs it off.”
She agrees that doctors are experts in acute illness. But, she feels that doctors often overlook subtle changes in your body that affect the quality of your life. On Thursday, June 20 she invites the public to a free presentation at Greens N Grains Cafe at 1 pmto learn how thyroid problem may be affecting the entire body and what to do about it. As a nutritional medicine clinician, she will show how toxins affect the thyroid and how nutritional deficiencies and certain foods that you are eating may be preventing your thyroid from functioning optimally. Nicole will also explain the diagnostic tests that need to be run to show a complete picture of thyroid function.
Nicole Dersé, Functional Medicine Clinician at the Center for Optimal Health, located at 617 N. 8th Ave. in Sturgeon Bay, presents a free seminar on health and well being each month at Greens N Grains in Egg Harbor.